Get ready for a mouthwatering adventure at "The edible landscape for people and wildlife" event.
April 4th – Kimmel Orchard Nebraska City - The Edible Landscape for People and Wildlife
Targeted to anyone wanting to grow and manage fruit trees, shrubs and other edible landscape plants.
Time: 8:30am to 3:30pm
Cost: $25
6 CEUs for arboriculture
Partner: Kimmel Orchard
Lunch Included
Instructors: Justin Evertson, Graham Herbst, Brad Kindler, Jennifer Morris
Preliminary Agenda
-Planning the Edible Landscape for People and Wildlife
-Wild Edibles, Trees & Shrubs – selection, sourcing and planting
-Traditional Orchard Crops – selection, pairing, planting
-Management: pruning, spraying, harvest and storage
-Outdoor site tours – selection, siting and management (weather permitting)
-Hands-on pruning outside (weather permitting)
The Edible Landscape for People and Wildlife